270 research outputs found

    Design and analysis of an unmanned small-scale air-land-water vehicle

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    The designs of small-scale unmanned aerial, land and water vehicles are currently being researched in both civilian and military applications. However, these unmanned vehicles are limited to only one and two mode of operation. The problems arise when a mission is required for two and three-mode of operation, it take two or three units of vehicles to support the mission. This thesis presents the design and analysis of an Unmanned Small-scale Air-Land-Water Vehicle (USALWaV). The vehicle named as a “three-mode vehicle”, is aimed to be an innovative vehicle that could fly, move on the land and traversing the water surface for search and rescue, and surveillance missions. The design process starts with an analysis of requirements to translate the customer needs using a Quality Function Deployment (QFD) matrix. A design concept was generated by developing an optimal configuration for the platform using QFD with a non-exhaustive comparison method. A detailed analysis of the concept followed by designing, analyzing and developing main components of the drive train, main frame, main rotor, rotor blades, control system, transmission system, pontoon mechanism and propeller system. Further, the analysis was done to determine the vehicle weight, aerodynamics, and stability using several software; SolidWorks, XFLR5, and Matlab. Then, the model of USALWaV has been fabricated, tested and successfully operates using remote control system. The final USALWaV configuration is main coaxial rotor 460 mm in diameter, propeller diameter 85 mm, weighing 550 grams; it is capable of hovering and flying with forward speed between 0 and 0.7 m/s, move forward and backward speed between 0 and 0.11 m/s, and operation speed between 0 and 0.47 m/s on the water surface. It is powered by an Xtreme Lithium Polymer battery, and has an endurance of 10 minutes. The main contribution of this design results is provide a new concept of an unmanned vehicle system in three-mode of operation i.e. in air, land and water surface


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    Penyebab utama kegagalan perawatan saluran akar adalah adanya mikroorganisme yang resisten dalam saluran akar. Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) merupakan bakteri anaerob fakultatif Gram-positif yang menjadi bakteri utama penyebab kegagalan perawatan saluran akar. Enterococcus faecalis resisten terhadap obat saluran akar pada umumnya termasuk diantaranya adalah kalsium hidroksida (CaOH). Bakteri ini bisa melekat pada dinding saluran akar, berkumpul dan membentuk biofilm yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan sehingga membuat bakteri menjadi 1000 kali lebih resisten terhadap fagositosis, antibodi, dan antimikrobia. Bunga cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum) secara luas dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Minyak pada cengkeh memiliki aktivitas biologi seperti antioksidan, antibakteri dan sebagai insektisida. Kandungan utama bunga cengkeh adalah komponen fenol yaitu eugenol dan senyawa lainnya seperti asetil eugenol, ? dan ? kariofelin, dan asam galatonin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak bunga cengkeh terhadap pertumbuhan E. faecalis. Pada penelitian ini bunga cengkeh diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi yang direndam dengan pelarut etanol 96%. Bunga cengkeh terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji fitokimia guna mengetahui kandungan aktif didalamnya. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji antibakteri dengan konsentrasi 5%, 10%, 50%, dan 100% menggunakan metode difusi cakram. Konsentrasi 100% menunjukkan daya hambat lebih baik dibandingkan kontrol positif yakni sebesar 17 mm, sedangkan CHX dan konsentrasi 50% menunjukkan daya hambat yang sama besar yakni 14 mm. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak bunga cengkeh mampu menghambat pertumbuhan E. Faecalis.Kata kunci: Perawatan endodontik, Enterococcus faecalis, bunga cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum), metode difusi cakram

    A Framework for Systematic Design and Construction of an Unmanned Small-scale Air-Land-Water Vehicle

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    In this paper, we present a framework for systematic design and construction of an unmanned small-scale air-land-water vehicle. The systematic design procedure includes design and integration, hardware component selection, as well as experimental evaluation are used to construct a fully functional unmanned small-scale air-land-water vehicle, namely Unmanned Small-scale Air-Land-Water Vehicle (USALWaV). Various component to support maneuver on the ground, flight, and cruising on surface of water feature has been constructed to verify the feasibility and reliability of USALWaV. Double blade axial rotor, propeller set, and pontoon propel the vehicle while fly on-air, move on-land, and float on-water. A control algorithm has also been proposed to allow the USALWaV to travel from its current location to another location specified with changeable channel on Tx Modulator. The results can be followed and used for build a small-scale air-land-water vehicle for research and development purposes

    Perancangan Dan Pengujian Model Mobil Robot Penanam Bibit Kangkung

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    Abstrak. Penanaman bibit kangkung sesuai prosedur dilakukan dengan proses menajuk, proses menajuk memakan waktu yang lama, sehingga membuat petani melakukan penaburan bibit untuk mempersingkat waktu peanaman, namun berpotensi terjadi gagal panen akbiat bibit tidak tertanam. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu membangun mobil robot penanam bibit kangkung. Metode yang diperlukan dalam membangun mobil robot ini meliputi, penghitungan rata-rata bedengan, perancangan mobil robot, perakitan, dan pengujian. Dari metode tersebut maka diperoleh hasil yang meliputi desain dan analisis desain, hasil pembuatan/perakitan, hasil pengujian dan hasil penanaman. Desain mobil robot memiliki ukuran sesuai ukuran rata-rata bedengan yang digunakan petani yaitu 1,6  m, hasil analisis menunjukan beban maksimum robot 28,80 kg dengan perpindahan maksimal 3,266 mm yang membuat chassis masih aman digunakan.Proses perakitan mobil robot meliputi komponen elektronika dan komponen chassis sesuai dengan hasil desain dan perancangan. Robot yang telah dirakit dilakukan pengujian. Pengujian elektronika menampilkan keluaran arus sebesar 3A, tegangan 12 volt dan tahanan 5,4 ohm, pada penggunaan baterai dengan kapasitas 7,4 Ah yang dapat bekerja selama 4,5 jam dengan menggunakan stepdown supaya arus stabil membuat kecepatan stabil dan tidak membuat komponen mobil robot hangus akibat loncatan tegangan. Karena mobil robot bekerja secara autonomous maka pengujian vision juga diperlukan sebagai indra penglihatan gerak pada mobil robot. Selama 4,5 jam mobil robot dapat menanam bibit dengan luas lahan 4,7 hektar (4788 m2).Design and Testing Mobile Robot Spinach Water Seed PlantingAbstract. Planting water spinach seeds according to the procedure were carried out by the process of crowning, the process took a long time, so it made farmers sow seeds to shorten the planting time, but there was a potential for crop failure due to not planting the seeds. The purpose of this research was to build a mobile robot water spinach seed planting. The methods needed to build this robot car included calculating the average bed, designing a robot car, assembling, and testing. From this method, the results obtained included design and design analysis, manufacturing/assembly results, testing results, and planting results. The mobile robot design had a size according to the average size of the beds used by farmers, namely 1.6 × 1.4 × 0.5 m, the analysis results showed that the robot's maximum load was 28.80 kg with a maximum displacement of 3.266 mm which made the chassis still safe to use. The robot car assembly process included electronic components and chassis components in accordance with the design and design results. The assembled robot was tested. Electronic testing displayed a current output of 3A, a voltage of 12 volts, and a resistance of 5.4 ohms, on the use of a 7.4 Ah battery that can work for 4.5 hours using a step down so that the current was stable to make the speed stable and did not make robot car components scorched due to voltage jumps. Because robot cars worked autonomously, vision testing was also needed as a sense of motion in robot cars. During 4.5 hours the robot car can plant seeds with a land area of 4.7 hectares (4788 m2)

    Pembuatan Sistem Penghitung Kecepatan Mobil Listrik Teknik Mesin Unsyiah Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 8535

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    Speed measurement equipment is very essential in a vehicle. The speed measurement equipment engineered in this research is specially designed for the electric vehicle of Mechanical Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, which is equipped with microcontroller of atmega 8353. The sensor system utilized is a dc generator which is connected to the front wheel of the electric car. The rotation of the wheel causes the generator to rotate that the generator produces dc electric voltage that the voltage is sent to the microcontroller. In general there are two main base components used for speed measurement equipment which are hardware and software. The software used to support the programming of the equipment is code vision AVR. The reading of input signal, processing and the visual display are designed with code vision AVR programming and c programming language. The test was conducted at the wheel of the vehicle with several steps of rotation speed to know the speed of the vehicle in rpm and convert it into km/hour by calibrating it based on the wheel diameter. The speed data is displayed on an LCD in real time that the driver knows the real speed

    Studi Manajemen Pelayanan Gizi Pasien di Instalasi Gizi Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pangkep Tahun 2012

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    Penyelenggaraan pelayanan makanan pasien di rumah sakit sudah ada dalam undang-undang dan diatur pada peraturan pemerintah No. 28 tahun 2004 mulai dari perencanaan menu sampai pendistribusian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui manajemen pelayanan gizi pasien di instalasi gizi RSUD Pangkep pada tahap input, yang meliputi tenaga kesehatan, sarana dan prasarana. Kemudian pada tahap proses, yang meliputi perencanaan anggaran belanja, perencanaan menu, perhitungan kebutuhan makanan, pemesanan dan pembelian bahan makanan, penerimaan bahan makanan, penyimpanan bahan makanan, pengolahan makanan dan pendistribusian makanan. terakhir pada tahap output yaitu tentang daya terima pasien. jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang manajemen pelayanan gizi pasien di Instalasi Gizi Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Pangkep tahun 2012. Hasil penelitian di RSUD Pangkep menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pelayanan makanan pasien mulai dari tahap input yaitu ketenagaan hanya menitik beratkan pada basic tata boga sebagai pramusaji. Sarana dan prasarana terdiri dari ruang kepala instalasi, staff, pengolahan, pendistribusian, gudang penyimpanan alat, gudang penyimpanan makanan basah dan tempat penyimpanan bahan makanan kering. Prencanaan anggaran belanja dilakukan enam bulan sebelumnya dan anggaran bersumber dari pemerintah daerah. Perencanaan menu menggunakan siklus menu 10 hari dengan menggunakan standar resep dan standar bumbu. Perencanaan kebutuhan makanan dilakukan setiap 1 kali dalam seminggu dan jumlahnya ditentukan sesuai kebutuhan kalori pasien dan juga siklus menu.Pemesanan dan pembelian dilakukan dengan cara setengah langsung dengan frekuensi belanja untuk makanan basah dilakukan setiap hari dan makanan kering setiap 1 kali dalam sebulan. Penerimaan bahan makanan dengan melihat daftar barang sesuai pesanan, apabila bahan makanan rusak maka segera digantikan. Penyimpanan bahan makanan terdiri dari dua yaitu tempat penyimpanan makanan basah dan tempat penyimpanan makanan kering. Pengolahan bahan makanan dilakukan diruang pengolahan dengan menggunakan pedoman menu yang sudah ada. Pendistribusian dilakukan dengan cara sentralisasi. Outputnya adalah ratarata pasien merasa puas dengan pelayanan makanan yang diberikan

    Lidocaine-Midazolam-Fentanyl Combination in Controlling Pain for Reduction of Anterior Shoulder Dislocation; a Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Introduction: Finding a fast-acting compound with minimal side-effects to induce a safe and efficient analgesia with short or medium duration of action is of great interest in the emergency department. The present study has been designed with the aim of comparing the effect of midazolam + fentanyl + lidocaine combination with midazolam + fentanyl + placebo in pain management of anterior shoulder dislocation reduction.Methods: The present two-arm parallel double-blind randomized controlled trial was performed on patients who presented to emergency department with anterior shoulder dislocation. Patients were randomly allocated to the 2 treatment groups of midazolam + fentanyl + placebo (double-drug group) and midazolam + fentanyl + intravenous (IV) lidocaine (triple-drug group). Then outcomes such as treatment success rate and side-effects following prescription of drugs were compared between the 2 groups.Results: 100 patients were included in the present study (50 patients in each group; mean age of the studied patients 27.3±8.9 years; 93.0% male). Using the double-drug regimen led to 35 (70%) cases of complete analgesia, while this rate in the triple-drug group was 41 (82%) cases (p=0.16). The calculated number needed to treat was 9 cases. This means that about one in every 9 patients in treatment arm will benefit from the treatment. The most important side-effects observed included dysrhythmia (1 patient in double drug and 1 patient in triple-drug group), apnea (2 patients in each group) and SPO2<90% (2 patients in triple-drug group) (p=0.78). Number needed to harm was 25 cases. In other words, for each 25 patients treated with the triple drug regimen, 1 case of SPO2<90% is observed.Conclusion: Findings of the present study showed that adding IV lidocaine to IV midazolam + fentanyl drug combination does not provide additional analgesia in sedation for anterior shoulder reduction